Wish Granted Blog


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After overcoming thyroid cancer in her early 20s, Jodi was diagnosed with #breastcancer at the age of 43. Throughout it all, she and her family have remained positive as laughter is the best medicine! Jodi’s #FABUWISH was for a day of fun to share with her daughter. She wanted time to spend together and just […]

Wish Granted Blog


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Every October during breast cancer awareness month, Leslie made it a point to schedule her mammogram. She has worked in health care her entire career including time spent as an oncology social worker, so she understands the importance of preventative medicine. It was the mammogram that caught Leslie’s diagnosis as there had been no indication […]

Wish Granted Blog


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Jennifer had given birth to her twin sons and was still nursing when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Also, the mother to a five-year-old boy, Jennifer has been strong for her family as well as her students. Through her work as a middle school Social Studies teacher and a cheerleading coach, she has touched […]

Wish Granted Blog

A Fab-U-Wish for Kelsi

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Kelsi’s breast cancer diagnosis came after finding a lump during a self-exam. Still in treatment, Kelsi’s mentality is “This is not who I am, it is just what I have, and I won’t have it for long.” Kelsi’s parents and siblings have been by her side since day one and so her wish was to […]

Wish Granted Blog

FAB-U-WISH for Meredith

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When Meredith was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019, everyone around her was amazed by her positive attitude throughout treatment – even on the day when she decided to shave her head. Her sister said that Meredith has “always been [her] hero, but on that day, she looked like a real superhero,” and she became inspired […]