Wish Granted Blog


With no family history of breast cancer, Cindy initially shrugged off a recurring pain. A visit to the ER led to a doctor’s appointment, which was very quickly followed by an ultrasound which led to a biopsy. At the age of 29, Cindy was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma and later testing would show that Cindy is also a carrier for BCRA2. Cindy immediately dove into treatment and after many months is now slowly transitioning back to “pre-cancer”life but feels it will never fully be the same. Throughout it all, Cindy chose to focus on the positive, being grateful for the people met as a result of this journey and the support received from family and friends.

Cindy’s wish was for the opportunity to purchase some new clothing that would help the transition into a new teaching career. We were thrilled to grant Cindy a special shopping experience at two favorite retailers, J. Crew and Ralph Lauren.

Quote:“I would love to begin by expressing my gratitude for granting me this opportunity! My shopping experience has been spectacular. When I learned that my wish was granted, I was excited and surprised because you exceeded my expectations! I haven’t been feeling well for quite a while because of ongoing breast cancer treatment and I haven’t gone shopping to this extent in a longtime. The opportunity to shop at two of my favorite stores felt great. After my wish experience, I have developed a better mindset and hope to move forward with my life.Breast cancer has impacted not only my physical health but my mental health as well. My FAB-U-WISH experience is a memory I will cherish forever!